HP Sprout Desktop Computer

Portfoilo Thumbnail
Portfoilo Thumbnail
Portfoilo Thumbnail

Problem Space

  • HP approached our design studio with a hardware prototype for a new form of computing that blended touch computing, 3D scanning and 3D printing.

  • I helped research, design, user test, prototype and deliver the main interface for the media creation suite, as well as a series of applications for HP to use at launch.


  • Weekly design sprints, usually showing new work after 1-2 days for rapid prototyping.

  • Frequent user testing to see how users react to different gestures and animations while dragging, dropping and scanning.

  • Rapid prototyping with Javascript/Framer and an in-progress API (I gave feedback) to create the interface for a new desktop media creation suite.


  • A new media creation suite with 3D scanning and printing capabilities, using your hands to create, rather than a keyboard and mouse.


  • Best of Show at CES 2015.

Hands on Review

HP Sprout in use
HP Sprout in use
HP Sprout in use
3D Scan in progress
3D Scan in progress
3D Scan in progress
Beta Hardware
Beta Hardware
Beta Hardware